"Top Oil" Foreign Company LLC has become a resident of “Angren” FEZ


The Administrative Council of free economic and small industrial zones of the Tashkent region approved the investment project "Organization of production of fat and oil products" in the territory of the “Angren” FEZ. The investors of the project are "Organic Plus PTE Ltd." и "Sidas Global PTE Ltd." (Singapore). Total project cost is $10.7 million, the annual production capacity –134.3 thousand tons of fat and oil products, such as, combined oil, margarine, vegetable refined oil and confectionery fat.

On March 6, 2018, "Top Oil" Foreign Company LLC was awarded a certificate of membership by the “Angren” FEZ Directorate, which allows resident companies to use customs and tax privileges. The company will create 100 new jobs for the population of Angren city. The company is planning to start production process in the third quarter of 2018.

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