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Узбекистан, Ташкент - АН Южнокорейская компания Lotte Confectionery намерена построить в Узбекистане завод по производству кондитерских изделий. Об этом корреспонденту АН рассказал представитель Ассоциации предприятий пищевой промышленности Узбекистана. «Новое предприятие будет создано в СИЗ «Ангрен». Сейчас идет разработка бизнес-планов с корейской стороной. В начале августа в Узбекистане с визитом побывала делегация корейск…
Узбекистан, Ташкент - АН Алмалыкский горно-металлургический комбинат реализует программу по установке солнечных коллекторов в своих подразделениях Недавно эти устройства появились на Ангренском трубном заводе. «Солнце – неисчерпаемый и самый доступный из всех источников энергии, которые природа подарила человеку. Возможность использования экологически чистой, доступной солнечной энергии привлекает все больше внимания. В некоторых странах Европы до 20% от об…
On January 23 of this year within visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan the delegation of the Japanese organization for development of new power and industrial technologies (NEDO) headed by the executive director of Ued Fumio visited SIZ "Angren", and also held meetings with the management of Management of SIZ "Angren", Angrensky thermal power plant, the International center of logistics and plant on production of copper pipes.…
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- President of Uzbekistan signed a resolution “On measures on organization of construction of rubber products plant in the territory of free industrial zone Angren” on 4 December 2014. The document was adopted in order to organize local production of agriculture and automobile tires, conveyor belts, and meet demands of high technological enterprises with local competitive products, create new jobs, ensure employment and growth of income. The resolution sai…
On October 23 of this year in Management of SIZ "Angren" the meeting with the ambassador of Indonesia in Uzbekistan Mohamad Asrukhi, with the assistance of representatives of a hokimiyat of the city of Angren, territorial divisions of the Ministry of externally economic relations, investment and trade and Trade industrial chamber is held. During conversation the ambassador was acquainted with the main activities of the Special industrial zone "Angren" and also visited a numbe…
During discussion it was noted that SIZ "Angren" possesses high potential on development of the new productions based on deep processing of local raw materials, first of all hi-tech production. Proceeding from the concept of development of SIZ "Angren" and the developed priorities, in the territory of a special zone placement of the enterprises of electrotechnical, machine-building, pharmaceutical, food, chemical and petrochemical branches, and also productions on deep proces…
On September 25 of this year to Managements of SIZ "Angren" there went the meeting with the Plenipotentiary ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Neithart Höfer-Wissing, and also the round table with participation of representatives of the German companies which are carrying out the activity in the territory of Uzbekistan is carried out. During visit guests visited plant on production of copper pipes of various diameter, Angrenskoy sugar plant and the International center …
18 сентября т.г. представители посольства Турецкой республики в Узбекистане во главе с Чрезвычайным и Полномочным послом Турецкой республики Намик Гунер Эрпул и Председатель Правления UTBANK Эрджан Булут ознакомились со Специальной Индустриальной зоной «Ангрен», а также посетили новой завод по производству медных труб различного диаметра и Международный центр логистики «Ангрен». В Дирекции СИЗ была проведена презентация инвестиционного потенциала СИЗ «Ангре…
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan in Warsaw (Poland) held a presentation of investment potential of economy of Uzbekistan. The event was organized at assistance of Polish Society on Construction and Infrastructure, which unites over 1,200 companies and firms of Poland, which engaged in such areas as construction, energy, transport, infrastructure, agriculture and services, Jahon news agency reported. The event presented achievements of Uzbekistan, main sector…
Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Angren Logistics Center received an international award International Star for Leadership in Quality (ISLQ). The company said that annual BID congress, which takes place in London, Madrid, Geneva, Paris, Frankfurt and New York, was attended by 118 countries of the world. The group of experts on quality voted for Angren Logistics Center and the Uzbek company received the international award International Star for Leadership in Quality in Gold categ…